

The Ultimate App for Motorcycle Enthusiasts: RideScout is a social network for motorcycles. It features a home page where you see posts of words and images from the riders you follow. It also has a Featured Rides page, where you can see the latest and most popular post. Looking for somewhere to go? RideScout has that too, with Scenic Spots, where users can submit suggestions for the best locations to visit and we’ll post them and their whereabouts here. Looking for something to buy or sell? RideScout has that too on the Hog Hub, where users can buy and sell not just bikes, but gear, trailers, cars, trucks, boats, and whatever else they’d like. If you live for the ride, then you belong on RideScout.

A note for Dealerships: Dealerships looking to sell bikes on RideScout can do so by becoming CertifiedDealers, for just $20 a month they can sell up to 30 items at once (as opposed to a regular rider, who is limited to three listings at a time.)

About Us & Monetization: RideScout was founded by J.T. Feragne, a USAF Reservist who got his first bike in his junior year of college at UConn. After finishing his school, he and two partners began working on RideScout after seeing a need for a vetted marketplace in the motorcycle niche, along with a lack of non-“Freemium” platforms (meaning platforms where every good feature is behind a pay wall). RideScout doesn’t believe in putting advertisements in your feed and selling data like big social media companies do. Instead, RideScout gathers minimal data, and monetizes through charging for upgrading to CertifiedSeller or CertifiedDealer status- this keeps the regular users from spending money just for using the app. We also don’t use advertisements, instead, we charge businesses that we feature as ScenicSpots, and sell merchandise and plan to eventually offer discount links for some additional income.